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Founded by Malissa Davis, B.Y.E is a firm that helps women create the best self-image through proper wardrobe strategies. B.Y.E believes your outward appearance/wardrobe tells your story before you introduce yourself. We must manage our profiles.
Our firm takes your current wardrobe and helps you weed out articles that are unacceptable, unflattering, outdated, no longer applicable, etc. We teach proper fit, color, suitable trends for age and lifestyle, creative techniques for expanding your wardrobe, and more. We create wardrobe strategies for your current lifestyle and your future. We believe dress for your today but don’t forget about your tomorrow. A strategy is essential to success.
B.Y.E. believes that each individual has a masterpiece within them waiting to be discovered. What is a masterpiece? A masterpiece is a one-of-a-kind, uniquely created, impossible duplicate creation that should never be tampered with once completed. The beautiful thing about a masterpiece is even though a masterpiece may have imperfections, it can still be considered a fine work of art!

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B.Y.E is a firm founded by Malissa Davis that helps women create the best self-image through proper wardrobe strategies. The firm believes that your outward appearance/wardrobe tells your story before you introduce yourself. B.Y.E takes current wardrobe and helps you weed out articles that are unacceptable, unflattering, outdated, no longer applicable, etc. They teach proper fit, color, suitable trends for age and lifestyle, creative techniques for expanding your wardrobe, and more. B.Y.E creates wardrobe strategies for your current lifestyle and your future.